Co-Hosted by CFOM and Chatham House, 2009

The conference explored the part played by the popular demand for free expression as a factor in the anti-communist revolutions, and assessed the evidence that a widespread retreat of press and political freedom has taken place in recent years across many parts of post-Cold War Europe and Russia.

The speakers were:

Keynote Speaker: Jens Reich, former leader of New Forum pro-democracy movement in East Germany

  • Lionel Barber, Editor of the Financial Times
  • Miklós Haraszti, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
  • Masha Lipman, Editor of Pro and Contra
  • Lionel Barber, Editor of The Financial Times
  • Irina Demchenko, UK Bureau Chief, RIA-Novosti
  • Aleksei Simonov, Glasnost Defence Foundation
  • William Bowring, Human Rights Lawyer and expert in Council of Europe cases, Professor of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London
  • Lilia Shevtsova, Carnegie Moscow Center

Read about our International Director’s Journey to CFOM here.