CFOM Online Seminar Series Available Online
The CFOM Online Seminar series is now available online. If you have missed any of our seminars then you can find the recordings on the CFOM website. This semester, our seminar series started with leading libel solicitor, David Hooper, who spoke to use about the...

Elections, Disinformation and Journalism: Taking Stock of 2024
The Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) and the Disinformation Research Cluster based in the School of Journalism, Media and Communication are hosting a joint panel on Thursday 5 December: ‘Elections, Disinformation and Journalism: Taking Stock of 2024’. The panel...

Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) and the threat to Media Freedom: Online Panel to commemorate World Press Freedom Day
Hosted by Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and the Centre for Freedom of the Media May 3 2024 13:00-15:00 Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) present a threat to media freedom in the United Kingdom (UK) as wealthy individuals and corporations...

Panel Event on Press freedom and regulation in a digital era
CFOM and the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies are hosting a panel event focusing on press freedom and regulation in a digital era. The panel event will provide a chance to discuss the issues that online news media is facing in a newly prevalent culture of control....

Panel Event: Conceptualising journalists/-ism in exile
Conceptualising Journalists/-ism in Exile: Online Panel Event, 29 February, 13:30 GMTOrganised by the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM), the Hub for the Study of Hybrid Communication (HCPB) and the Migration Research Group (MRG)An increasing number of journalists...