The London Symposium on Journalists’ safety is hosted jointly by the Centre for Freedom of the Media and The BBC College of Journalism. All of the personal accounts by frontline journalists who are taking part are also available on BBC Co-Jo blog.

“Reducing the dangers of journalism”, by Hamid Mir, Executive Editor of Geo News TV, Pakistan’s most popular private TV channel

Hamid Mir writes on the eve of the London meeting of media editors concerned at growing threats to journalism

Omar Faruk Osman, President of the Federation of African Journalists

Galina Sidorova – Moscow Foundation of Investigative journalism

Veridiana Sedeh of ABRAJI, Brazil’s association of investigative journalists

Anabel Hernandez, a Mexican investigative journalist and winner of the 2012 Golden Pen of Freedom prize from the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers.

William Horsley writes for the BBC Co-jo ahead of the London symposium on journalists’ safety

A Mexican newspaper editor calls for media solidarity to protect those most at risk