Stop censorshipMedia  monitoring done by the non-profit organisation Telekritika, the  Institute of Mass Information and independent media experts shows an  unprecedented number of misleading and manipulative reports in Russian  media about the events in Ukraine. Last month, Russian media controlled  by authorities (that is, the  overwhelming majority) misinformed the Russian population and the world  community about Ukrainian protests and aspirations of the Ukrainian  people to live in an independent and democratic state.

After the Russian intervention in Crimea, the amount of  anti-Ukrainian propaganda has increased multifold, surpassing Soviet  propaganda during the Cold War.
Indeed, Vladimir Putin’s appeal  to the Federation Council of the Russian Federation to authorise  deployment of troops in Crimea was based on a false video footage. The  report showed Russian military allegedly killed during a shootout at the  Council of Ministers of Crimea in Simferopol and it was broadcasted by  the Russian TV channel “Russia One”. Later analysis showed that the  video had been staged.
A few independent Russian media trying to objectively cover the  events in Ukraine, such as Rain TV, experience constant pressure from  the Russian authorities.
Meanwhile, a wide network of Russian  media is engaged in active propaganda against Ukraine. It includes, in  particular, Channel One Russia, Channel Russia, channels Russia 24 and  NTV alongside news agencies RIA Novosti and ITAR-TASS, and newspapers  Komsomolskaya Pravda, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and other Russian news outlets  and websites.
Russia Today and Voice of Russia conduct propaganda against Ukraine in  English. These channels distributed outright lie and often manipulate  facts while covering the events in Ukraine.
We call on all  foreign journalists to avoid using the mentioned media as sources of  news; to rely on Ukrainian news agencies and other Ukrainian media  instead, and in any case to double-check information regarding the  events in Ukraine.
We also ask that news media from around the world dispatch their  correspondents to Ukraine to provide first-hand and impartial coverage  of the events here. Ukrainian journalists are willing to assist their  foreign colleagues in obtaining accurate and unbiased information about  the current affairs in our country.
We also appeal to the Russian colleagues to overcome their fear and stop misleading the world and their own people.
We  urge Ukrainian journalists to name things regarding what is happening  in Crimea and avoid using catchwords created by Kremlin propagandists.  For example, Ukrainian media often describe Russian troops as  “self-defence activists”, “people in uniform”, “unknown troops”,  “representatives of Cossack organisations”, “special force troops,”  “armed squads” etc. We want to emphasise that there is no doubt today  that those are military men of the Russian Federation.
We ask you to hear our voice. We want to preserve territorial  integrity and independence of Ukraine. Upon resolution of the Ukrainian  situation peace and stability across the whole continent depends.
Undersigned: NGO Telekritika; NGO Commission on Journalism Ethics; NGO Center UA; NGO  Institute of Mass Information; National Union of Journalists of  Ukraine; Independent Media Union; INGO European Media Platform;  Association Common Space; Committee Equal Opportunities; NGO Institute  of Media Law; Souspilnist Foundation; Ukrainian Association of Internet  Advertising; INGO Internews Ukraine