In January this year Bulgaria took up the EU presidency, 11 years after becoming a full member of the European Union. Despite government assurances and stern warnings from Brussels, media freedom in the country has steadily deteriorated. Last week Reporters Without Borders downgraded Bulgaria yet again in its annual Press Freedom Index to 111the place, the lowest rank of any EU state. RWB noted that, Bulgaria is now ranked lower than all the countries in the Western Balkans which have yet to join the EU. Dr Lada Trifonova Price, CFOM’s Director of Education, spoke about Bulgaria’s deep-rooted problems in the area of media freedom in this interview with OBC Transeuropa, a think tank focused on South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus which is based in Trento – Italy.

Read the interview here:

Find the Dossier: Freedom of the press in Bulgaria

Read also the interview Dr Price gave to Radio France Internationale: ‘What will Bulgaria’s EU presidency do for press freedom?’


Photo ©: Bigandt_Photography