Copyright: Fondation Hirondelle and GCSP

RUNMAPP participated in an expert workshop together with United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO), the UN Department of Public Information (UNDPI), academics, peace building practitioner, media development organisations, diplomats and journalists. The workshop was organised by Fondation Hirondelle and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) in Geneva on December 2018. The aim of this workshop was to start the process of gathering lessons learned and best practices on the transition of UN Peace Keeping Operations’ radio stations. Particopants agreed on the following: peace processes necessitate fair, accurate, objective, fact based and balanced information. Such media standards are vital in the endeavor to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Target 16.10) and the right to freedom of expression and information. Jackie Harrison and Stef Pukallus (CFOM, RUNMAPP), also advocated the need for bringing ‘the civil back in’ emphasizing the importance of building of civil society, of considering the media a civil institution and of endorsing  civil norms for achieving sustainable peace.

See also a piece from Fondation Hirondelle for further information.