During the 2022 Academic Consultation on the UN Plan of Action on Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity, CFOM conducted a literature stocktake to scope out the academic literature published in the area of media freedom, journalism safety and impunity. CFOM has collated this literature and has produced a database containing this information. The database has been organised by themes, such as digital safety and gender-specific safety issues, alongside being organised by countries and regions. A database containing non-academic publications has also been established, including reports, working papers, and policy briefs, alongside a database focusing on work conducted by Civil Society Organisations.
The database is free and open access. We hope it will be a useful resource for anyone researching issues concerning media freedom and journalism safety. If you would like yours or your organisation’s work to be published in the database, please get in touch with us either at cfom@sheffield.ac.uk or gemma.horton@sheffield.ac.uk. Click below to access the database.