The CFOM Online Seminar series is now available online. If you have missed any of our seminars then you can find the recordings on the CFOM website. This semester, our seminar series started with leading libel solicitor, David Hooper, who spoke to use about the impacts that Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are having on public interest reporting and how wealthy individuals are able to abuse the courts. He also spoke about how we can tackle SLAPPs through legislative measures. 

We also hosted a joint online panel with the Disinformation Research Cluster based in the School of Journalism, Media and Communication at the University of Sheffield: ‘Elections, Disinformation and Journalism: Taking Stock of 2024’. The panel event brought together civil society organisations, academics and journalists for a discussion focusing on, what has been called, a ‘super year’ of elections and how they have been reported on at a time when disinformation and AI are on the rise alongside increasing fears surrounding journalists’ safety when reporting on political events. 

Click the button below to watch our online seminars.