CFOM researchers travelled to Punta del Este, Uruguay to take part in World Press Freedom Day 2022. Members of the CFOM team took part in a panel session at the seventh Academic Conference focused on human rights standards and working conditions of journalists during crisis.
UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom, Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity, Professor Jackie Harrison, and CFOM members Dr Silvia Chocarro, Dr Tarlach McGonagle, Dr Sejal Parmar, Dr Sara Torsner, delivered a paper focusing on Human Right Council Resolutions entitled: Closing the normative gap: What ten years of Human Right Council Resolutions tell us about its approach to the safety of journalists
The Academic Conference hosted a number of panels focusing on different themes concerning journalism safety, such as digital safety and gender-specific safety attacks. The Conference was jointly organised by the University of the Republic and UNESCO.

CFOM and Article 19’s Silvia Chocarro (above) and UNESCO Chair, Professor Jackie Harrison (below)