What We Do
The Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) is an interdisciplinary research centre hosted in the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield with global outreach that studies issues of media freedom and standards. CFOM aims to inform and advise governments, policymakers and stakeholders internationally on threats to media freedom, in order to bring about positive changes to laws, policy and practice and to uphold standards of journalism safety worldwide. It works to identify and promote best practice for journalists in Europe and worldwide.
CFOM’s work covers three main areas:
Researching and reporting on the state of media freedom and standards worldwide and the issues arising from the continuing development of new media platforms and new journalism providers.
Educating journalists and student journalists about best practice and providing resources for educating others on their rights and responsibilities.
Advocating for media freedom and the global protection of journalists.
In order to achieve our aims we work with international organisations including UNESCO and the Council of Europe. We organise educational, research, and diplomatic events that support our goals.