Dr. Julie Posetti is an award-winning Australian journalist and academic. She is Senior Research Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford, where she leads the Institute’s Journalism Innovation Project. She is also a Senior Researcher affiliated with CFOM.
Dr. Posetti is author of UNESCO’s ‘Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age’ (2017) and co-editor of ‘Journalism, ‘Fake News’ and Disinformation‘ (UNESCO 2018). She works at the intersection of digital rights and security, journalism safety, media freedom and the transformation of journalism. Dr Posetti is currently embarking on a research project mapping the causes and consequences of gendered online harassment internationally. She is also Senior Researcher attached to a UN-commissioned study developing typologies of global responses to disinformation led by CFOM colleagues.
Her PhD dissertation was on the intersecting themes of of journalistic source protection, privacy, media freedom and digital rights. Dr Posetti is a former Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) journalist, political correspondent and presenter, and the former head of Digital Editorial Capability at Fairfax Media.