Sacha is Head of Research, Legal and Policy Advisor at FondationHirondelle. With CFOM, he is a member of the steering group of the Research Group on UN Media and Peace Processes (RUNMAPP)

Both as a researcher and a practitioner, Sacha has been particularly interested in the normative framework of media set up and run by UN peacekeeping operations. He has been working on this topic with FondationHirondelle and the UN since 2004. He notably participatedin the evolution of the normative framework and explored the issue of the sustainability of UN radios such as Radio Okapi in DRCongoand Radio Miraya in South Sudan. He researched this topic at law faculty of the University of Fribourg, at the University of Glasgow and at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford.

As head of research at FondationHirondelle, he also collaborates with various academics on the impact assessment of media development projects.

Sacha is a committee member of Trial International.
