Call for contributions: Join us for the World Press Freedom Day #JournoSafe Flash Talks
Call for contributions: Join us for the WPFD #JournoSafe Flash Talks - a space for academics and civil society organisations to share research ideas to address problems of the safety of journalists As part of the 2021 World Press Freedom Day Academic Conference on the...
IAMCR 2020: CFOM presents research examining the relationship between the safety of journalists and media and information literacy
As part of the Journalism Safety Research Network (JSRN) initiative, the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) and UNESCO joined forces to present research related to the issue of the safety of journalists and media and information literacy at the 2020 International...
International Journalism Week 2019 focuses on issues of impunity for crimes against journalists
Our eighth annual International Journalism Week, taking place from 11 to 15 November 2019, addresses issues related to media research and practice from a global perspective, focusing on media freedom, journalism safety, issues of impunity, propaganda and fact. The...
Peace Journalism: the role of the media in conflict transformation
Precis of Teaching at Sheffield Hallam University’s Journalism Summer School (June 24, 2019) Dr. Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob Whereas journalists are often trained on how to report wars, and sometimes embedded with troops to facilitate coverage, very few journalists have been...
CFOM is UNESCO official partner in organising World Press Freedom Day 2019
As published previously on the UNESCO website. World Press Freedom Day 2019 The main celebration of World Press Freedom Day 2019 is jointly organized by UNESCO, the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the African Union Commission in Addis...