Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening the UNPA
In 2017, on the fifth anniversary of the UN Plan of Action, CFOM, as a partner of UNESCO, was asked to produce and submit a report on the co-ordinated response from academia as well as to contribute to the response from civil society organisations. On 28 and 29 June, 2017, a multi-stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening the UNPA was held in Geneva at the UN Palais de Nations. CFOM members, Jackie Harrison, William Horsley and Stef Pukallus participated in the consultation in Geneva. The Consultation was organised by UNESCO and the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner and brought together Member States, the UN, intergovernmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, media and professional associations and members of academia to assess their achievements, share best practices and identify key priorities.
CFOM’s Involvement At GENEVA
Professor Harrison, Chair of CFOM, presented insights from CFOM’s data collection at a technical meeting to help analyse how UNESCO could broaden its global reporting on Sustainable Development Goal 16.10.1, Monitoring the adoption and implementation of constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees and mechanisms for public access to information. The indicator covers “the number of verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists and associated media personnel” in the previous 12 months. CFOM collated academic responses from worldwide and wrote up responses that were then presented as headline findings and contributed to sections 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 in the Report that was published on the multi-stakeholder Consultation and be found here. As Professor Harrison stated on CFOM’s involvement: “The important aspect of this was to stress the role that academia could play in the implementation of the UN Action Plan and make it more specific and concrete.” An outcome document detailing short and medium term strategic types and areas of action was also published and can be found here.

Professor Harrison, William Horsley and Dr Stef Pukallus in Geneva