International Journalism Week 2021.2

International Journalism Week 2021.2 was organised by the Department of Journalism Studies and CFOM. It was held in person from 8-11 November 2021 with a theme focusing on Media freedom in the digital age. Experts in journalism and related professions spoke of the impact that digital technology is having on journalism, such as by impacting their safety and cybersecurity, amongst others.

 The keynote address was delivered by the UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom, Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity, Professor Jackie Harrison. CFOM also hosted an expert panel entitled: The increasingly dominant role of government and big tech as “gatekeepers” of public debate. The repression of independent media and civil society voices in the digital media space.’ Barbara Trionfi, Executive Director of the International Press Institute and Dr Tina Burrett, an academic and author on media and politics in Russia also presented their research.

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