What We Do

The Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) is an interdisciplinary research centre with global outreach on issues of media freedom, journalism safety, editorial standards, impunity and the role of the representational (factual and fictional mass media) and non-representational (performative and visual arts) communication in post-conflict settings.

We aim to inform and advise governments, policymakers and stakeholders internationally on these issues in order to bring about greater media freedom, create safer environments for journalists and journalism and to use the media and communication more widely in a positive and constructive way in peace processes.

We believe in the importance of a free media for civil society and as a way to counter civil diminishment, to build civil norms, engage in civil capacity-building and create civil resistance in democratic and non-democratic as well as in strong and weak states.

Our Networks

To advance academic research communication, collaboration and knowledge exchange CFOM is the host several research networks. Find out more below.

The Journalism Safety Research Network (JSRN) is a global network launched by CFOM in collaboration with UNESCO in 2016 to strengthen research and multi-stakeholder collaboration within the area of journalism safety.


More about CFOM


Prof. Jackie Harrison has been awarded the first UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom, Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity.

Read more here.


William Horsley’s column keeps tabs of the watchdog role of the media. Read his latest posts here.


Welcome to the Journalism Safety Research Network’s (JSRN) repository. This repository contains a collection of work produced by the members of the JSRN. 

If you are interested in the work contained in the repository, or would like to submit your own work to be added, you can visit the repository here.


For several years in a row we have arranged an annual International Journalism Week (IJW) with discussion about media research and practice from a global perspective, focusing on the threats faced by journalists worldwide.

Students have the opportunity to engage with a variety of speakers from within the industry.

Read more about our IJW2022 event here.

Students’ Corner

The Students’ Corner is a space to celebrate the achievements of students in their work related to media freedom. This includes the annual CFOM Media Freedom Student Group Project Award which honours outstanding student work on the situation of media freedom and its challenges in countries across the globe.

Visit our Students’ Corner here.

Ongoing Research 

CFOM aims to develop research agendas of direct interest to policy constituencies on specific issues and to create an early demand for research findings amongst potential users in policy and practice.

Read more about our research areas here.

United Nations Plan of Action

CFOM has been involved in the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity (UNPA) since its creation in 2012. To find out more, click here.

CFOM Projects

Click here to read more about the projects CFOM’s involved with and the work they do.

International Journalism Week

Click here to read about CFOM’s involvement with International Journalism Week.