Symposium on Media Responses to Media Responses to Matters of Life and Death
In 2012, CFOM jointly hosted a Symposium on Media Responses to Matters of Life and Death on 18 October in the BBC’s New Broadcasting House. The Symposium was hosted with BBC Global News and with help from the BBC College of Journalism. Senior figures from leading international media titles, including BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and The Guardian, attended the event. The event emphasised that major news organisations have a responsibility to engage in efforts to secure the freedom of the media both within countries and across borders. Guy Berger, the then Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development at UNESCO, called the event ‘unique’ and stated that the UNPA could be considered a ‘game-changer’ if the media realise the potential dangers that journalists face. The event provided an opportunity for the UNPA to be introduced to senior media figures. Attendees also heard from journalists who risked their lives to report on stories. More can be read about the Symposium and key speakers here.
The London Statement
Following discussion at the Symposium, more than 40 international news organisations, journalists’ associations and civil society organisations signed the London Statement which contains 8 main points condemning impunity and attacks against journalists. The Statement also emphasised the importance of the UNPA and signatories of the Statement stated that monitoring of governments, judiciary and organisations was of the utmost importance to ensure that the Plan was being implemented. Signatories of the London Statement included, amongst many others, BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, Globo of Brazil, La Stampa of Italy, The Guardian and Dawn Newspaper of Pakistan.