WPFD 2019 civil norm-building: towards constructive dialogue and shared narratives
Focusing on the topic of the role of the media in conflict-prone and divided societies, a World Press Freedom Day session in Addis Ababa discussed possibilities for journalism to facilitate constructive dialogue and the building of collective narratives that bring...

Jackie Harrison is encouraging the role of academia at World Press Freedom Day
As part of the World Press Freedom Day commemoration in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the fourth Academic Conference on the Safety of Journalists was held on 1 May. In his opening speech, UNESCO Director of Media Freedom and Development, Guy Berger emphasised the important...

Journalists are dying all around the world in different settings – this is their plight and it shouldn’t be forgotten
On the 8th March 2019, United Nations Cinema screened Under The Wire in partnership with The British Museum in London to mark International Women's Day. Under The Wire, based on photo journalist Paul Conroy's book by the same title, documents his and war-correspondent...

CFOM is UNESCO official partner in organising World Press Freedom Day 2019
As published previously on the UNESCO website. World Press Freedom Day 2019 The main celebration of World Press Freedom Day 2019 is jointly organized by UNESCO, the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the African Union Commission in Addis...

The importance of the factual media for building sustainable peace in post-conflict settings: building civil norms
POSITION PAPER Jackie Harrison and Stef Pukallus The factual mass media and journalism can contribute to both sustaining peace and generating conflict. Conflict is caused by an incompatibility of views. Sustainable peace requires a turn from incompatibility to...