CFOM participates in technical consultation on UNESCO’s monitoring of safety of journalists
On May 24, 2018, CFOM PhD Researcher Sara Torsner participated in a technical consultation on UNESCO’s monitoring of safety of journalists in Paris. The meeting was a follow up to the meeting on monitoring the safety of journalists under SDG indicator 16.10.1 (which...

Journalism Safety Research Network meeting during WPFD in Accra, Ghana
On May 3rd, during the Word Press Freedom Day celebrations in Accra, a network meeting with members of the Journalism Safety Research Network (JSRN) was held to gather ideas for continuing to develop the network and building research driven knowledge and capacity...

Collaborative research project between CFOM and Free Press Unlimited seeks to improve monitoring of violence against journalists
Acknowledging the crucial role that accurate data plays when it comes to understanding the complex nature of safety threats to journalists and to ensure the effective protection of media workers, the Centre for Freedom of the Media and the press freedom organisation...

Dr. Lada Trifonova Price on the state of information in Bulgaria
In January this year Bulgaria took up the EU presidency, 11 years after becoming a full member of the European Union. Despite government assurances and stern warnings from Brussels, media freedom in the country has steadily deteriorated. Last week Reporters Without...

Professor Jackie Harrison awarded UNESCO Chair
Professor Jackie Harrison, CFOM Chair and Joint Head of the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield, has been awarded the first UNESCO Chair in Media Freedom, Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity. Professor Harrison, who is attending...