About the Impunity and the Rule of Law Project
The Impunity Initiative: Developing legal and political remedies for violence against journalists and judicial impunity The Initiative on Impunity and the Rule of Law is a global project of the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) at the University of Sheffield and...
Council of Europe to set up continuous monitoring on media freedom violations in 47 countries
On 27 January 2010 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation on Respect for Media Freedom, expressing alarm at the murders of at least 20 journalists in Europe since 2007 and setting up new mechanisms to identify...
Council of Europe wants continuous monitoring of media freedom violations in 47 countries
On 27 January 2010 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation on Respect for Media Freedom, expressing alarm at the murders of at least 20 journalists in Europe since 2007 and setting up new mechanisms to identify and prevent...
The Council of Europe has launched Europe’s first talk show about human rights
On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, Viewpoint examined two threats to human rights on the Internet -- from cybercrime and from the actions of governments and others to limit Freedom of Expression online. The debate, presented by TV journalist Kattia...
News Media Freedom, Regulation and Civil Power
This research theme has two parallel tracks. The first track examines different legal and policy regimes, different forms of regulation and codes of conduct and the concomitant risks of direct (and indirect) censorship; the failures and abuses of news media freedom...