On 2 May, CFOM co-hosted an event held in the House of Lords, London, with the Westminster United Nations Association. The event was hosted by Lord Black of Brentwood and CFOM’s International Director, William Horsley, acted as moderator. The event featured four speakers discussing bold but practical pathways to reclaim the information sphere for unhindered journalism, open public debate and free and fair elections
Karuna Nundy, Member of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom and advocate at India’s Supreme Court discussed blasphemy laws which links to the High Level Panel’s Report on International Standards and Blasphemy Laws. Amberin Zaman, UK-based Turkish journalist, Al–Monitor international correspondent and Coalition of Women Journalists press freedom Hero also spoke alongside Maria Ordzhonikidze, Director of Justice for Journalists Foundation and Kingsley Abbott, Director of Institute of Commonwealth Studies.