Islamabad: Taliban leadership have ordered its militants to attack the offices of two top Pakistani TV channels Geo News and ARY and two of its anchormen. The Taliban’s message expressed anger at the TV journalists for their open condemnation of attack on 14 years old Swat girl Malala Yousafzai.Taliban spokesperson Ehsanullah Ehsan sent two long statements to Pakistani media in last two days in which he criticized me and my colleague in Geo TV Dr.Amir Liaqat Hussain in very strong words and declared us enemies of Islam.Ehsan is the same person who accepted the responsibility of attack on Malala last week in Swat.

 According to an official letter sent by the National Crises Management Cell of the Interior Ministry to all the provincial governments on October 15th, North Wazirastan based Taliban leadership have ordered its Tariq Brigade to eliminate Hamid Mir as soon as possible because he is the one who introduced Malala Yousafzai first time on TV in 2009.Taliban are angry with me because i said in my TV show that all those who attacked a 14 years old girl were cowards.I also criticized the government for not taking any action for the protection of Malala.
 Interior Minister Rehman Malik annouced one million US $ bounty for the arrest of Ehsanullah Ehsan on October 16th but i am personally not satisfied on this announcement.Ehsanullah Ehsan is sending emails and sms messages,calling on our mobile phones but no intelligence agency have intercepted him so far.Interior Ministry is only writting letters to different provincial governments but not doing anything to arrest the culprits.I demand that government must provide security to all the TV channels and anchors recieving threats from Taliban.

Hamid Mir