This pre-meeting on Nov. 21st, the day before the UN Inter-Agency Meeting on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, is for those concerned with journalist safety, to identify common goals, increase coordination and clarify the principles we will recommend the UN consider and incorporate in its policy development on this matter for November 22nd.  Organised jointly by Free Press Unlimited, International Media Support (IMS) and International Press Institute (IPI). Click here for the agenda of the meeting.

CFOM’s International Director William Horsley will present a report from the London symposium, organised by the Centre for Freedom of the Media and BBC’s College of Journalism: “Media Responses to Matters of Life and Death” held at  BBC Broadcasting House, 18 October.

Wednesday November 21st 2012; 15.00 to 19.00

VENUE: International Press Institute, Spiegelgasse 2,  A-1010 Vienna
Tel: + 43 1 512 90 11      Web: