Source: Geo.TV

Geo News senior anchor Hamid Mir has issued his first formal statement after regaining consciousness. In his statement Hamid Mir said it was due to the grace of Allah and the prayers of the people of Pakistan that he got a new life. Hamid Mir said even before the murderous attack on him on April 19,  he had informed the Geo management, family members  and close friends of the threats he has been receiving. He said he had identified the elements from whom he was facing threats, and who have been mentioned by his brother Amir Mir in his statement following the attack.

According to Hamid, besides Amir,  he had informed other close associates as to who would be held responsible if he were  murdered. Hamid said he had been receiving threats both from state and non-state actors,  but in the recent past some events had taken place which led him to inform his colleagues about the elements who could be involved in conspiracies to kill him.

Hamid Mir said that a few days ago some members of intelligence agencies came to his house and informed him that along with some other  journalists, his name appears in a hit-list. Despite insistence, these people did not provide any detail about those who had made the hit-list. After this meeting Hamid Mir informed officials at the concerned department that he had been receiving threats from state and non-state actors because sometime, state actors use the name of non-state actors to threaten journalists to prevent them from telling the truth.

According to Hamid Mir he had informed the visiting intelligence personnel  that he felt the most threatened by the ISI and they should convey what his suspicions were to their officers.  Hamid Mir further said that the ISI was upset with him because of a Capital Talk program which covered the long march of Mama Qadir Baloch. Hamid Mir added that he was aware of the ISI being upset over his criticism of the role of intelligence agencies in politics.

Hamid Mir said that if officials had reports of threats to his life why he was not informed in writing. He questioned why those who had planted a bomb underneath his car in November 2012 were not exposed though the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had claimed responsibility for it?

According to Hamid Mir the phone numbers of those who had sent him death threats were provided to the Islamabad Police, but the police did not take any action against them? He said that despite a police report, action was not taken against those who had attacked his children in Islamabad.

Hamid Mir said that he would provide further details of these incidents when the time comes.  He said his life was in the hands of Allah and he was answerable to the Almighty.

Hamid Mir said his fight was the same as that of his father Professor Waris Mir. This was a fight for Pakistan’s survival, safety and to strengthen the country. His fight was for democracy, elimination of terrorism, supremacy of law, protection of freedom of expression, rights of small provinces and to be the voice of the poor. He added that this voice could not be silenced. Hamid Mir said that he was working alongside the media, civil society, and political parties in this fight. The senior Geo News anchor said that he would continue to wage this fight till his last breath and the last drop of blood. He added that no institution or individual in Pakistan was above the law or the Constitution.

Hamid Mir said one who has been hit by bullets can better appreciate the importance of the sacrifices being laid by the jawans of the Pakistan Army and security forces. Mr. Mir said this does not mean that he should remain silent on the unconstitutional role of the intelligence agencies in politics in the name of being patriotic.

Hamid Mir strongly condemned the governmental efforts to forcibly  shutdown Geo transmission, adding that in the past Geo News had stood firm when it was banned during the dictatorship of General Musharraf.  With the support of the people and God willing, Hamid Mir said, the Geo team would once again defeat such moves.

Hamid Mir expressed fear over the security of his brother Amir Mir and other family members and said if they were harmed the responsibility would lie on state elements and the government. Hamid Mir said that Allah had saved his life which proved that the savior is more powerful than the attackers.

Hamid Mir appealed to the people to prayers for his health and early complete recovery.