Enforcing and Upgrading Legal Protections for Journalistsdownload

3 November 2014, Monday: European Court of Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, organised by the Council of Europe, CFOM, UNESCO and the European Lawyers Union.

Marking the 2 November UN ‘International Day to end Impunity for Crimes against Journalists’, this Seminar and Inter-Regional Dialogue addresses the urgent need to enforce and upgrade legal protections for journalists whose safety and security are threatened because of their work. Current frameworks of legal protection for journalists vary greatly between regions and the rate of conviction for crimes against journalists remains extremely low. The seminar provides a forum for an enhanced dialogue among representatives of inter-governmental organisations  and regional human rights courts in Europe, the Americas  and Africa, with leading  lawyers and non – govermental  organisations, to advance efforts to develop a consistent framework of protection globally and eradicate impunity. Read more about the event, including the Conclusions of the Rapporteur Tarlach McGonagle, speakers’ presentations and a full transcript of the Event, on the Seminar website

Charlie Hebdo murders mean journalism just got more dangerous. CFOM’s International Director writes on the BBC College of journalism blog.

International Day to end Impunity for Crimes against Journalists