Dorothea Krimitsas, Deputy Head of Public Relations, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Prof Jackie Harrison, Chair, Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM), University of SheffieldInternational Day to End Impunity is focus for global efforts to end impunity for crimes against journalists

Two years ago the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution which proclaimed November 2 as International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. It urged member states to bring to justice the perpetrators of these attacks and to do their utmost to ensure that journalists can do their work safely. In the past decade 700 journalists have been killed in the course of their work. In nine out of ten cases — from Syria to Serbia and from Mexico to Moscow — the killers habitually go unpunished. Governments, civil society, the media and all concerned to uphold the rule of law are called on to join in the global efforts to end impunity.

Main Event: Commemoration conference: at a two-day conference at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in San Jose Costa Rica on 9-10 October 2015 representatives of judicial systems around the world shared the experience derived from international courts to raise knowledge of international legal standards in the fight against impunity for crimes against journalists. Jointly organised by UNESCO and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. CFOM is a partner of this event.

Concept note

Media coverage of End Impunity event in UK parliament:

UNESCO website: International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists celebrated in London

BBC journalism website:  Journalists in danger

The Hoot (Indian media watch): Stop killing us

The Parliament magazine, Brussels: EU leaders must act to protect journalists threatened with violence