Joining our three members who will are a part of the World Press freedom Day Research Conference, William Horsley, our International Director, will be speaking at the main conference.

“At the World Press Freedom Day international conference I will take part in sessions on journalists’ strategies to confront Surveillance Overreach and on Strengthening the Momentum on protections for the Safety of Journalists (following the UNESCO conference in February on the need for coordinated media actions on safety and the 2 November 2015 event  co-organised by CFOM and UNESCO with other NGO partners on ending impunity for crimes against journalists.”

William will also speak on the evening of the 2nd of May to the European Journalists Network. His subject will be “Re-inventing journalism for a brave new world”.

The new developments in technology have drastically altered the possibilities for journalism. The discipline is still struggling to evolve in the face of these new opportunities. Oppressive governments and organisations are attempting to catch up to regain control where journalists are taking these opportunities. Journalism is becoming ever more fraught with danger, and ever more vital in an unpredictable and quickly advancing field.

Many of the restrictions placed on journalists are through laws passed under the guise of preventing terrorism and other malicious attacks. The abuse of these powers to restrict legitimate reporting must be fought.