UNESCO’s Research Conference on the Safety of Journalists: Knowledge is the Key was held during the World Press Freedom 2016 events in Helsinki, bringing together researchers and scholars from around the world to present their work and to build up an academic community to address the issues of safety and impunity. The conference culminated with the launch of a research network by Jackie Harrison, with the support of UNESCO.

Whilst at the event we collected these two interviews from other attendees.

The speakers are Dr Silvia Chocarro Marcese who presented a paper on ‘The United Nations’ Role in Promoting the Safety of Journalists from 1945 to 2015′ and  Giovanna Dell’Orto, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota who presented a paper on ‘Foreign correspondents and locals: A key news gathering partnership for safety and for the global public good’.  They presented at a panel chaired by CFOM’s Jackie Harrison entitled, ‘Protection frameworks for the safety of journalists’ at UNESCO’s Research Conference on the Safety of Journalists on 4th May.