Last week The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and UNESCO published The Chilling: A global study of online violence against women journalists. The report which has been a collaboration with the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) is a groundbreaking global study that details the trends of online violence against women journalists alongside offering solutions to this problem.

The Chilling includes 850 testimonies from women worldwide alongside a social media analysis. The analysis of nearly 3 million tweets made up three big data case studies that were undertaken with the University of Sheffield computer scientists. The three case studies centred on three women journalists: Maria Ressa, Carole Cadwallar and Marianna Spring.

The work has been led by ICFJ’s and CFOM’s Senior Researcher Dr. Julie Posetti and ICFJ’s Senior Research Associate Nabeelah Shabbir. CFOM members Professor Kalina Bontcheva, Professor Jackie Harrison, Dr. Diana Maynard and Dr. Sara Torsner, were senior researchers in the team. The report can be read here with more information on the project found here

The project has also been published on The Guardian’s website and information on CFOM’s involvement with this research project be found here.