CFOM to co-host World Press Freedom Day Event: Towards Press Freedom – New Hope or False Dawn?
2 May 2023 18:30-20:00 Room 4A, House of Lords Parliament Square Speakers Karuna Nundy, Member of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom and advocate at Inda’s Supreme Court (via video) Amberin Zaman, UK-based Turkish journalist, Al-Monitor...

UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day 2023 Online Academic Conference: Registration Open
The online academic conference for UNESCO's World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) is due to take place on 27 April from 09:00-15:00 UK Time. The focus of this conference is on the role of academia in protecting freedom of expression as a driver for other human rights. The...

Call for Contributors: Join us for the 5th Edition of #JournoSafe FlashTalks focusing on journalism safety in Latin America and the Caribbean
Following on from the successful hosting of its first four #JournoSafe FlashTalks events, the Journalism Safety Research Network (JSRN) is pleased to announce that a 5th edition of the FlashTalks focusing on journalism safety in Latin America and the Caribbean will be...

UNESCO Chair attends Centre for Applied Human Rights (CAHR) workshop: Universities – Civil Society Collaboration to Protect Activists and Enhance Political Space
UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom, Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity, Professor Jackie Harrison, attended a workshop organised by the Centre for Applied Human Rights (CAHR), University of York. The conference entitled: Universities - Civil Society Collaboration...

JSRN Hosts the Fourth #JournoSafe FlashTalks Focusing on Journalism Safety in Africa
On Tuesday 28 February, the Journalism Safety Research Network (JSRN) hosted the fourth edition of the #JournoSafe FlashTalks focusing on journalism safety in Africa. This is the second of the regional FlashTalks to have taken place, with the first one focusing on...