William Horsley is CFOM’s International Director. He has a leading role to promote CFOM’s global mission to strengthen international protections for free and independent media and freedom of expression through research and analysis, advocacy, topical public events and seminars and policy advice to governments and media. He also engages with inter-governmental organisations, such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe.
His International Director’s Column focuses on issues of media freedom across the world alongside providing a snapshot of the advocacy work that William does. You can find his pieces below.

At 75 the Commonwealth Promises to Protect Media Freedom. But How?
William Horsley, CFOM International Director First published on Oxford Human Rights Hub. At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa in late October 2024, leaders of the 56 member countries of the Commonwealth marked the organisation’s 75th...

Four major threats to press freedom in the UK
William Horsley, CFOM International DirectorArticle first published by The Conversation here. Just five years ago, the UK took the bold step of setting up a Media Freedom Coalition of 50 countries committed to protecting press freedom against its enemies in...

How international law can reverse the global assault on free speech: A review of a new expert guide
William Horsley, CFOM International Director Article first published by the Foreign Policy Centre herePhoto Credit: IBA Human Rights InstituteThe global struggle to protect free speech has reached a new fever pitch. The power of news media to act as a safeguard...

The Council of Europe has launched a continent-wide Campaign for the Safety of Journalists
CFOM’s international director William Horsley attended last week’s conference in Riga, Latvia, where plans for the ambitious campaign were unveiled at a conference entitled The Pen is mightier than the sword? Meeting today’s challenges to freedom of expression and the...

‘To protect the truth we must protect the truth-tellers’: The Commonwealth and media freedom
Recently, Commonwealth Law Ministers unanimously adopted the Commonwealth Media Principles on Freedom of Expression and the Role of the Media in Good Governance. How will these principles expand upon the Commonwealth Charter’s Article 5 on Freedom of...