Is balance out of date? A survival guide for journalism

Mar 15, 2017

The open Internet age spells information overload and the demise of old media. The tenets of journalism –– balance and objectivity -- risk being swept away too. Will new ways be found to hold power to account? Or are we heading back towards information fortresses? In...

New CFOM logo

Nov 16, 2016

We are proud to introduce you to our new logo. Designed by Ink and Water, we feel that this new face reflects our greater involvement in the international stage.      

JSRN Hub Launch

Nov 16, 2016

At a UNESCO research conference on the safety of journalists during the celebrations of World Press Freedom Day in Helsinki, Finland on 3 and 4 May 2016, UNESCO declared ‘that the Safety of Journalists paved the way for academic research cooperation’. To advance such...

CFOM Annual Lectures so far

Nov 4, 2016

In anticipation of 2016's annual lecture from Guy Berger, here are details of all the previous CFOM annual lectures. In 2015 we hosted a Question Time style event called Journalism in Danger.  The panelists were, Ellen Manning, Former Chief Reporter for Press...