UNESCO Chair takes part in ‘Future of Media and Communications Forum’
The UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom, Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity, Professor Jackie Harrison, took part in the 'Future of Media and Communication' Forum that was organised by the Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ). Above image: Professor...

CFOM to launch seminar series in September
In September, CFOM will launch their seminar series. The CFOM seminar series will feature speakers talking about issues concerning journalism safety and media freedom. The seminar series will be hosted online. Below you can find information on our speakers along with...

CFOM members provide expertise to new Southeast Asian initiative to monitor attacks against journalists in line with SDG 16.10.1
A new civil society platform to monitor attacks against press freedom in Southeast Asia has just been launched. The platform provides statistics on attacks and threats against journalists and media workers in Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and...

CFOM Co-hosts two events as part of World Press Freedom Day’s 30th Anniversary
As part of World Press Freedom Day's 30th anniversary, CFOM co-hosted two events in both London and New York. In New York, the Academic Conference took place on 1 May and featured several speakers over the course of three panels alongside discussion from UNESCO Chair...

JSRN Hosts the Fifth #JournoSafe FlashTalks Focusing on Journalism Safety in Latin America and the Caribbean
On Thursday 27 April, the Journalism Safety Research Network (JSRN) hosted the fifth edition of the #JournoSafe FlashTalks focusing on journalism safety in Latin America and the Caribbean. This is the third of the regional FlashTalks to have taken place, with the...