by Andrés Cañizalez

Cañizalez, director of the Venezuelan chapter of the Press and Society Institute (IPYS), examines in the paper the links between media freedom and poverty, and the way mass media should work to decrease social inequalities. In addition he focuses on the case of Venezuela, a country in which more media pluralism is needed to foster democratic institutions.

Read more:

Freedom of information and expression at the service of justice in a world of inequality

Venezuela. Hegemony destroys pluralism

About the author

Andrés Cañizález is a researcher at the Centre of Communication Research at the Universidad Católica Andres Bello (UCAB), in Caracas. He also serves as academic coordinator of UCAB’s Program for Advanced Studies in Freedom of Expression and the Right to Information.Ph.D. in political science at Simón Bolívar University. In 2002, he founded and assumed directorship of the Venezuelan chapter of the Press and Society Institute. An incisive commentator on relations between government and media in Venezuela, Cañizález directed the quarterly Jesuit magazine Comunicación from 2000 to 2006. Widely published in Venezuelan periodicals, he recently contributed two chapters—one on the Venezuelan media and another on national broadcasting systems—to the edited volume The Media in Latin America, published by McGraw Hill (London) in 2008.