The Journalism Safety Research Network (JSRN) is home to over 250 researchers from around the world. In response to the academic consultation that took place on occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, led by the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM), the Global Academic Community (GAC) recognised a need to host events to exchange knowledge on journalism safety and issues in regions across the globe.
The GAC recognised that there were particular issues that posed significant challenges of relevance to the UNPA and therefore needed to be studied in order to be understood in their origin, evolution, range and type as well as their significance both present and future in awareness of long-standing research. These issues included: digital safety; gender-specific safety issues; workplace safety issues; improving monitoring; understanding impunity; and the weaponisation of the law.
The JSRN online symposia provide a platform for academics and civil society organisations to come together to discuss these issues and research surrounding them. The first symposium focused on digital threats against journalists and the second examind the weaponisation of the law to silence journalists and stifle media freedom.
You can find the recording of the events on this page