UNESCO Chair retreat on media literacy and journalism safety paves way for research collaboration
As part of the work of UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom, Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity, Jackie Harrison, the Centre for Freedom of the Media held a three-day long workshop on the theme on media literacy and journalism safety on June 26-28, 2019 Designed to...

International summer school to focus on safety for future journalists
A new international summer school at Sheffield Hallam University, in collaboration with the Centre for Freedom of the Media, aims to raise awareness among future journalists of vital issues relating to safety and impunity. The summer school is designed to...

Jackie Harrison joins SPERI to launch new book “Rethinking Democracy”
On June 18th Jackie Harrison took part in a panel discussion at the launch of Andrew Gamble’s new book – Rethinking Democracy. The event took place at the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI), where Jackie joined Andrew Gamble, Alan Finlayson and...

Jackie Harrison gives evidence at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s Foreign Affairs Committee on Global Media Freedom
The UK has committed to launching, what UK Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt at World Press Freedom Day 2019 in Ethiopia described as ‘a global campaign to protect journalists doing their job and promote the benefits of a free media’. In July, the UK will host a...

Ground-breaking CFOM research: strengthening the monitoring of SDG 16.10.1
Our CFOM members Diana Maynard, Sara Torsner and Jackie Harrison presented their ongoing research that aims to facilitate the comprehensive monitoring of violations against journalists in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16.10.1 at the World Press Freedom...