Professor Jackie Harrison, Chair of the Centre for the Freedom of the Media and UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom Journalism Safety and the Issue of Impunity has been conferred the prestigious award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences alongside University of Sheffield, Faculty of Social Sciences colleagues, Damian Hodgson (Management School) and Kate Reed (Sociological Studies).

On 15 October 2020, the Academy of Social Sciences announced that “73 leading UK social scientists have been conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences” (…)  for their outstanding contributions to research, and for their application of social science to policy, education, society and the economy”.

The Academy’s Fellowship consists “of distinguished individuals from academic, public and private sectors, across the full breadth of the social sciences” that “have helped to address and deepen understanding of some of the toughest challenges facing our society and the world” (…) “[t]hrough leadership, applied research, policymaking and practice”.

At CFOM we are very pleased that Jackie Harrison, whose work focuses on the civil role and power of the news, including: the architecture and culture of the news; the mediation of civil society and social identity by the news; and issues of news freedom and standards, is being recognised and celebrated for contributing towards  “knowledge and expertise across diverse areas of public life and delivering impact to improve social, political and economic wellbeing in the UK and beyond”.